

The International Standard Organisation, defines a
robot as an automatically
controlled reprogrammable, multipurpose
manifestative machine, with or without
locomotion, for use in industrial
automation applications. Robotics is all about
designing robots, maintaining
them, developing new applications and conducting
Robots are
built to work repeatedly and accurately even in hazardous
environments. They
are programmed in a way that enables them to operate
automatically. That's
why a robot is called a re-programmable machine.

In India, studies
related to robot techology and its implications are
conducted by the
Department of Science and Technology(DST) and Department of
Scientific and
Industrial Research. The research and development thrust is
carried out by
DST, Department of Electronics and Department of Ocean
Development. IITs,
too, have taken the lead in designing programmes in


Areas Of Specialisation:

robotics, there are different areas of specialisation. For examples, a student
who specialises in
designing and control, in robotics is close to mechanical
engineering. If you
want to specialise in control and hardware design of
robots, a B.Tech. degree in
electrical or electronics engineering holds the
key. A computer design
programmer can look at hardware design in robotics.
The control part of the
robot is all about certain aspects of electrical


A specialisation in
robotics engineering may lead to potential career opportunities in
manufacturing, research and engineering, agriculture, mining, nuclear,
power-plant maintenances and a variety of other areas. Besides, there is great
scope for qualified experts and researchers to associate themselves with
different segments of R & D in robotics.

As the recent global
career trend in robotics suggests, fields so diverse as
surgery, modern
warfare and nanotechnology have registered a remarkable increase
recently in
their demand for technical experts and researches in


One of the great ways to learn about robotics is to
take part in robotics competitions organised by IITs every year. Students from
various engineering colleges and high schools can take part in this technical
festival. Surveys conducted by the government and private agencies reveal that
the robots enhance the job quality, productivity, product quality, profiatbility
for those who work in hazardous environments. Japan has the largest number of
robots and only 3 percent of the workforce is unemployed there. The use of
robots creates jobs and people who are working manually can be rehabilitated in
different areas through training. Even, robots require maintenance, programming
and design change. So, if you rehabilitate the displaced workers and train them
in handling different aspects of robots, it will lead to increased

Future of Robotics:Ever consider
the Future of Robotics? What will it really be like? Did Science Fiction get it
right, if not how close were they? Will robots be everywhere and involved in
every aspect of life? Will robots eventually take over all the modern Factories;
will robots be making robots too? Which sectors will we see robots excel in?
Will we see more?

  • Robots in Commerce – Retail, Services, Fields,
  • Robots in the home – Maids, Washing Car, Doing Chores, Mowing the Lawn,
  • Robots in Security – Guards, Guard Dogs, Bomb Sniffers, Bomb Squads,
  • Robots to the Rescue – FEMA, Earthquake, Hurricanes, Wild Fires
  • Robots for the Weather and Environment – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Robots in Transportation – Light Rail, Cars, Aircraft
  • Robots in Distribution – Trains, Warehouses
  • Robotic Androids – Assistants, Mentors, Educators
  • Robots and Artificial Intelligence – Thinking Machines and Systems
  • Robots in the Military – Smart Munitions, Net-Centric Systems, UAVs
As you can see from this partial list, this subject; The Future of
Robotics indeed warrants a bit of discussion on this subject. The Robots and
Robotics of the future will shape our societies and civilizations forever. Are
we ready for the runway ahead? Who will design, build, market and repair all
these robots and robotic machines? Is our education system up for the challenge
to fulfill the future needs in these industries?

Let us contemplate the
changes in life style, standard of living and quality of life, as robots do our
dirty work, do our jobs and simplify our lives. We must now consider this
future, as it is rapidly approaching and has already started, soon it will be;
Robots, Robots Everywhere.

SCOPE IN INDIA: A candidate
having an M.E. degree in Robotics can get job opportunities in space research
organizations like ISRO and also in industries which manufacture microchips. Job
opportunities also exist in Indian Institute of Technology for doing extensive
research work in artificial intelligence. Furthermore, The Indian Institute of
Chemical Biology offers openings research fellowships in Robotics and Artificial

SCOPE ABROAD: A Robotics Engineer can get
employment opportunities abroad to program, troubleshoot and maintain robots in
companies like Plastech in USA. Research fellowships as an intern with ATR, the
premier research institute emphasizing on humanoid robotics and computational
neuroscience are also available. Companies like Intel recruit robotics and
artificial intelligence specialists for microchip manufacturing. The Robotics
Industrial Association in North America provides job opportunities in robot
manufacturing and maintenance systems integration. NASA is the ultimate job
destination for those interested in applying robotics to space science.


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